TC05BCZM مماثلة

  • TC05ACOA
    • Low power, bandgap voltage reference. Output voltage option 2.5V. Operating current range 20microA to 20mA. Max temperature coefficient 50ppm/degC.
  • TC05ACZM
    • Low power, bandgap voltage reference. Output voltage option 2.5V. Operating current range 20microA to 20mA. Max temperature coefficient 50ppm/degC.
  • TC05BCOA
    • Low power, bandgap voltage reference. Output voltage option 2.5V. Operating current range 20microA to 20mA. Max temperature coefficient 100ppm/degC.
  • TC05BCZM
    • "Low power, bandgap voltage reference. Output voltage option 2.5V. Operating current range 20microA to 20mA. Max temperature coefficient 100ppm/degC."

TC05BCZM Datasheet والمضاربه

الصانع : TelCom Semiconductor 

التعبءه :  

دبابيس : 2 

درجة الحراره : دقيقة 0 °C | الاقصى 70 °C

حجم : 50 KB

التطبيق : "Low power, bandgap voltage reference. Output voltage option 2.5V. Operating current range 20microA to 20mA. Max temperature coefficient 100ppm/degC." 

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