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Para Light الموقع الرسمي

آخر Para Light datasheet PDF

جزء لاالتطبيق
L-650LPGC-TR 3.2 x 1.6 x 0.7 mm SMD LED, super green
A-302E Common anode hi.effi red dual digit display
C-3580SR Common cathode super red 1.4 inch, 5x8 dot matrix display
C-3580E Common cathode hi.effi red 1.4 inch, 5x8 dot matrix display
K-12001GX LCD back light, COB type, LCD character 40x4, yellow/green
C-421E Common cathode hi.effi red single digit display
A-2570Y Common anode yellow 0.7 inch, 5x7 dot matrix display
L-314SRT 3.0 mm dia LED lamp, super red
L-613GD Green, 2.37 x 4.88 x 8.6 mm tombstone type LED lamp
L-151VG1W-TR 2.0 x 1.25 x 0.8 mm SMD LED, super green
B-1202G Light bar green
L-H322005B 3.0 mm dia LED lamp, with LED-308 holder
C-431G Common cathode green single digit display
B-1C2CE Light bar hi.effi red
A-808H Common anode red alpha-numeric display
A-5001Y Common anode yellow single digit display
C-362SR Common cathode super red dual digit display
A-1501E Common anode hi.effi red single digit display
L-110EC-TR 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.0 mm SMD LED, hi.effi red
L-180SRC-TR9 1.8 mm AXIAL LED, super red
L-602GD Green, 1.9 x 3.9 x 5.0 mm rectangular LED lamp
A-1505Y Common anode yellow single digit display
L-493YD Yellow, 1.0 x 5.0 x 10.0 mm rectangular LED lamp
R-2810E Light bar hi.effi red
R-2202EG-5V Light bar hi.effi red/green
L-110SYC-TR 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.0 mm SMD LED, super yellow
C-402SR-10 Common cathode super red dual digit display
L-150YW-TR 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.1 mm SMD LED, yellow

لمحة Para Light

Para Light Electronics Co. Ltd Manufacturer of LEDs and LED products including display, lamp, light bar, back light, dot matrix, SMD, infrared, laser diode, laser module and pointer,