المسار :okDatasheet > اشباه الموصلات datasheet > Para Light Datasheet > Para Light-32

1Y A-522E C-363E A-553Y K-02601GX-P L-H333008B L-514EIR1BC A-244CSR A-5001H L-H326007B A-5582H L-518EIR4C L-H5C1006B C-502H-10 A-3880G A-3580H A-502SR-10 L-H322008B L-193LPG1W-TR L-H314007B C-284CY-14 L-955GC-TR C-564H K-04211GX-P A-363H L-839EYW C-542SR C-5880H

Para Light datasheets الكاتالوج-32

جزء لاالصانعالتطبيق
A-392G Para LightCommon anode green dual digit display
C-244CSR Para LightCommon cathode super red four digit display
A-311Y Para LightCommon anode yellow single digit display
A-522E Para LightCommon anode hi.effi red dual digit display
C-363E Para LightCommon cathode hi.effi red three digit display
A-553Y Para LightCommon anode yellow three digit display
K-02601GX-P Para LightLCD back light, COB type, LCD character 16x1, yellow/green
L-H333008B Para Light3.0 mm dia LED lamp, with HB-2331,HC-01 holder
L-514EIR1BC Para Light5.0 mm infrared emitting diode
A-244CSR Para LightCommon anode super red four digit display
A-5001H Para LightCommon anode red single digit display
L-H326007B Para Light3.0 mm dia LED lamp, with LED-3062A holder
A-5582H Para LightCommon anode red 1.9 inch, 5x8 dot matrix display
L-518EIR4C Para Light5.0 mm infrared emitting diode
L-H5C1006B Para Light5.0x5.0 mm LED lamp, with H6812 holder
C-502H-10 Para LightCommon cathode red dual digit display
A-3880G Para LightCommon anode green 1.2 inch, 8x8 dot matrix display
A-3580H Para LightCommon anode red 1.4 inch, 5x8 dot matrix display
A-502SR-10 Para LightCommon anode super red dual digit display
L-H322008B Para Light3.0 mm dia LED lamp, with LED-308 holder
L-193LPG1W-TR Para Light1.6 x 0.8 x 0.8 mm SMD LED, super green
L-H314007B Para Light3.0 mm dia LED lamp, with LED-306 holder
C-284CY-14 Para LightCommon cathode yellow four digit display
L-955GC-TR Para Light3.6 x 2.8 x 1.9 mm SMD LED, green
C-564H Para LightCommon cathode red four digit display
K-04211GX-P Para LightLCD back light, COB type, LCD character 20x2, yellow/green
A-363H Para LightCommon anode red three digit display
L-839EYW Para Light8.0 mm dia LED lamp, hi.effi red/yellow
C-542SR Para LightCommon cathode super red alpha-numeric display
C-5880H Para LightCommon cathode red 2.3 inch, 8x8 dot matrix display

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