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المفتاح : Powerex Datasheet ، Powerex Data ، Powerex Data sheet ، Powerex Power Semiconductors
المسار :OKDatasheet > اشباه الموصلات datasheet > Powerex Datasheet
المفتاح : Powerex Datasheet ، Powerex Data ، Powerex Data sheet ، Powerex Power Semiconductors
لايجاد المحددة Powerex Power Semiconductors datasheet ، بحث okdatasheet جزءا من جانب عدد من عناصر أو الوصف. تكونوا مع عرض قائمة بجميع اجزاء مطابقه مع Powerex datasheets. اضغط على اي من مكونات الالكترونيه المدرجه على مزيد من التفاصيل أنظر المواصفات بما في ذلك اي
Powerex الموقع الرسمي
جزء لا | التطبيق |
FS10VSJ-06 | 60V trench gate MOSFET |
PM15RSH120 | 1200V, 15A seven pac IGBT module |
BCR12CM-8L | 400V, 12A triac |
TA20061803DH | 600V, 1800A phase control single thyristor |
T700143004BY | 1400V, 300A phase control single thyristor |
FS5KM-18A | 900V planar process MOSFET |
BCR16PM-8L | 400V, 16A triac |
R6021225HSYA | 1200V, 250A fast recovery single diode |
FS40SM-5 | 250V planar process MOSFET |
T510025004AQ | 200V, 50A phase control single thyristor |
PD421007 | 1000V, 700A general purpose scr/diode module diode |
CS241210 | 1200V, 100A fast recovery fast recovery single diode |
QRD1230T30 | 1200V, 300A fast recovery dual diode |
R7004403XXUA | 4400V, 300A general purpose single diode |
CM1000HA-24H | 1200V, 1000A single IGBT module |
R6030635ESYA | 600V, 350A fast recovery single diode |
FK10KM-9 | 450V fast recovery body diode MOSFET |
A430PD | 1400V, 1000A general purpose single diode |
TA20021603DH | 200V, 1600A phase control single thyristor |
C391PN | 1800V, 490A phase control single thyristor |
R9G20815AS | 800V, 1500A fast recovery single diode |
R5101010XXWA | 1000V, 100A general purpose single diode |
FS30SM-5 | 250V planar process MOSFET |
FS12UMA-4A | 200V planar process MOSFET |
1N4055R | 900V, 275A general purpose single diode |
CS340602 | 600V, 20A fast recovery fast recovery single diode |
FS14KM-9 | 450V planar process MOSFET |
FS5ASJ-06 | 60V trench gate MOSFET |
Product Category IGBTs 250V (Single, Dual & 6-Pac) 600V Standard Frequency (up to 20kHz) (Single, Dual, Chopper, 4-Pac, 6-Pac & 7-Pac) 600V Standard Frequency (up to 20kHz) THIN PACKAGE (Single, Dual, CIB, 7-Pac) 600V High Frequency Application (30kHz to 70kHz) (Dual) 1200V Standard Frequency (up to 20kHz) (Single, Dual, Chopper, 4-Pac, 6-Pac & 7-Pac) 1200V Standard Frequency (up to 20kHz) THIN PACKAGE (Single, Dual, CIB, 7-Pac) 1200V High Frequency Application (30kHz to 70 kHz) (Dual) 1400V IGBTs (Single, Dual, 6-PAC) 1700V IGBTs (A-SERIES & HVIGBT) 2500V HVIGBT (Singles & Duals) 3300V HVIGBT (Singles, Choppers & Duals) 4500V HVIGBT 6500V HVIGBT IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) Features MOSFET Modules Recommended MOSFET Modules MOSFET Module Features IPMs (Intelligent Power Modules) Dual (200-600A & 600/1200V) 6-Pac (25-600A/600&1200V) L-Series 7-Pac (25-300A/600 &1200V) L-Series Photovoltaic (PV) IPMs (50-75A 600V) HV-IPM 1200A-3300V IPM (Intelligent Power Modules) Features DIP-IPMs DIP-IPMs (recommended) DIP-IPM (Intelligent Power Module) Features Accessories IGBT Gate Drivers DC-DC Converter Modules High Voltage Integrated Circuits-HVICs Transistor Arrays Sensor Silicon Bilateral Switch Development Kits /Prototype Boards Accessories (including Gate Drive Circuits and DC to DC Converter) Features Discrete Thyristors Phase Control Disc/Hockey Puk SCR Phase Control Stud SCR Inverter Grade Disc/Hockey Puk SCR Inverter Grade Stud SCR Discrete Thyristor (Silicon Controlled Rectifier SCR) Features Discrete Rectifiers General Purpose Disc/Hockey Puk General Purpose Stud Diode Fast Recovery Disc/Hockey Puk Fast Recovery Stud Diode Discrete Rectifier Features Thyristor & Diode Modules Diode Modules Thyristor Modules Thyristor/Diode Modules Thyristor/Diodes (POW-R-BRIK tm) Thyristor & Diode Module Features Fast-Recovery & Three-Phase Diode Modules Fast Recovery Diodes Three-Phase Bridges Create Your Own Custom Module Fast-Recovery & Three-Phase Diode Features Assemblies Three-Phase AC Switch Three-Phase DC Rectifier Three-Phase Half Controlled Rectifier Three-Phase Full Controlled Rectifier Create Your Own Assembly Assembly Configurations & Features IGBT Assemblies (POW-R-PAK) Three-Phase Bridge H-Bridge Half Bridge Create Your Own Assembly IGBT Power Assembly Features & Options Custom Modules Custom IGBT Modules Custom Fast-Recovery & Three-Phase Diode Modules Custom MOSFET Modules Create Your Own Custom Module Custom Module Options & Features