المسار :okDatasheet > اشباه الموصلات datasheet > OKI Datasheet > OKI-95
160A-80JS MSM51V4400SL-80SJ MD51V65805-50JA MG64PB22 MSM518221-30JS MG73PB38 MSM514256C-45JS KGF1305T MSM51V17400D-70TS-K MG64PB12 MSM51V8222A-30JS ML9262MB MSM5116400D-50TS-K MSM51V17400DSL-60TS-K MG63PB24 MSM5116400D-60SJ MSM66573L-TB MSM7578VMS-K MG65PB28 MG113P14 MSM7570-TS-K
OKI datasheets الكاتالوج-95
جزء لا | الصانع | التطبيق |
MSM5265GS-K | OKI | 80-dot LCD driver |
MSM51V16160A-80JS | OKI | 1,048,576-word x 16-bit dynamic RAM |
MSM51V4400SL-80SJ | OKI | 1,048,576-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM |
MD51V65805-50JA | OKI | 8,388,608-word x 8-bit dynamic RAM |
MG64PB22 | OKI | 0.25mm embedded DRAM/Customer Structured Array |
MSM518221-30JS | OKI | 262,214-word x 8-bit field memory |
MG73PB38 | OKI | CSA series |
MSM514256C-45JS | OKI | 262,144-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM |
KGF1305T | OKI | Power FET (ceramic package type) |
MSM51V17400D-70TS-K | OKI | 4,194,304-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM |
MG64PB12 | OKI | 0.25mm embedded DRAM/Customer Structured Array |
MSM51V8222A-30JS | OKI | 262,214-word x 8-bit field memory |
ML9262MB | OKI | 60-Bit vacuum fluorescent display tube grid/analog driver |
MSM5116400D-50TS-K | OKI | 4,194,304-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM |
MSM51V17400DSL-60TS-K | OKI | 4,194,304-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM |
MG63PB24 | OKI | 0.25mm embedded DRAM/Customer Structured Array |
MSM5116400D-60SJ | OKI | 4,194,304-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM |
MSM66573L-TB | OKI | 16-bit microcontroller |
MSM7578VMS-K | OKI | Signal rail CODEC |
MG65PB28 | OKI | 0.25mm embedded DRAM/Customer Structured Array |
MG113P14 | OKI | SOG series |
MSM7570-TS-K-01 | OKI | 5V single rail APDCM CODEC |
MSM51V16400DSL-70SJ | OKI | 4,194,304-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM |
MSM51V4400L-60TS-L | OKI | 1,048,576-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM |
MSM51V17805DSL-50TS-K | OKI | 2,097,152-word x 8-bit dynamic RAM |
MG75PB24 | OKI | CSA series |
MSM64172-XXXGS-K | OKI | 4-bit microcontroller with built-in serial port and LCD driver |
MG73PB34 | OKI | CSA series |
MG73PB18 | OKI | CSA series |
MG75PB20 | OKI | CSA series |