المسار :okDatasheet > اشباه الموصلات datasheet > JRC Datasheet > JRC-19

L5175K-F1 NJU6460AC NJM2119D NJM2503M NJM2058V NJU3501D NJG1102F1 NJM2249M NJM2257D NJU3501G NJM14558V NJM2243M NJM79M00FA NJM2523M NJM2298M NJM2207S NJU7032D NJM2509V NJM2265D NJM2904D NJU3503L NJU7022D NJG1704V NJU6458F NJG1307R NJM2508D NJM2177L NJM78L03UA

JRC datasheets الكاتالوج-19

جزء لاالصانعالتطبيق
NJG1101F JRCWide band AGC amplifier GaAs MMIC
NJM2123D JRCDual operational amplifier with switch
NJL5175K-F1 JRCPhoto reflector
NJU6460AC JRC16-character 1-line dot matrix LCD controller driver
NJM2119D JRCDual single-supply operational amplifier
NJM2503M JRC3-input/2-input video switch
NJM2058V JRCDual operational amplifier
NJU3501D JRC4-bit single chip micro controller
NJG1102F1 JRCLow noise amplifier GaAs MMIC
NJM2249M JRC3-input video switch
NJM2257D JRCSynchronous separator with AFC
NJU3501G JRC4-bit single chip micro controller
NJM14558V JRCDual operational amplifier
NJM2243M JRC3-input video switch
NJM79M00FA JRC3-terminal negative voltage regulator
NJM2523M JRC3-input/2-input video switch
NJM2298M JRCAV switch amplifier
NJM2207S JRCVideo super imposer
NJU7032D JRCLow voltage operation C-MOS operational amplifier
NJM2509V JRCVideo super inposer with Y-C mixer
NJM2265D JRC3-input video super imposer
NJM2904D JRCSingle-supply dual operational amplifier
NJU3503L JRC4-bit single chip micro controller
NJU7022D JRCLow voltage operation C-MOS operational amplifier
NJG1704V JRC800MHz band front-end GaAs MMIC
NJU6458F JRC80 output positive voltage BIT MAP LCD segment driver
NJG1307R JRCDriver amplifier GaAs MMIC
NJM2508D JRC3-input/2-input video switch
NJM2177L JRCDolby PRO logic surround decoder
NJM78L03UA JRC3-terminal positive voltage regulator, 300mW, 3V

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