المسار :okDatasheet > اشباه الموصلات datasheet > Dallas Datasheet > Dallas-42

1040Z-A15 DS1809U-100 DS1834A DS1340U-18 DS275E/T&R DS1629S DS1336 DS1554P-70 DS1007S-14/T&R DS2430A DS1236AS-5 DS1135M-12 DS1232N DS12885N DS1260-50 DS1045S-3 DS2016S DS1815-5 DS1100U-175 DS89C420-MCL DS232AR-N/T&R DS1004Z-4/T&R DS1806-010 DS1040Z-75 DS5000T-8-8 DS1267E-010 DS50

Dallas datasheets الكاتالوج-42

جزء لاالصانعالتطبيق
DS1669-10 DallasElectronic digital rheostat, ~ 10 k.
DS2401Z DallasSilicon Serial Number
DS1040Z-A15 DallasProgrammable One-Shot Pulse Generator
DS1809U-100 DallasDallastat
DS1834A DallasDual EconoReset with pushbutton
DS1340U-18 Dallas2-Wire RTC with trickle charger, 1.8V
DS275E/T&R DallasLine-Powered RS-232 Transceiver Chip
DS1629S Dallas2-Wire Digital Thermometer and Real Time Clock
DS1336 DallasAfterburner Chip
DS1554P-70 Dallas256K NV Y2KC Timekeeping RAM
DS1007S-14/T&R Dallas7-in-1 Silicon Delay Line
DS2430A Dallas256 bit 1-Wire EEPROM
DS1236AS-5 DallasMicroManager Chip
DS1135M-12 Dallas3-in-1 High-Speed Silicon Delay Line
DS1232N DallasMicroMonitor Chip
DS12885N DallasReal-time clock, 14 bytes of clock and control registers, 114 bytes of general purpose RAM
DS1260-50 DallasSmart Battery
DS1045S-3 Dallas4 bit Dual Programmable Delay Line
DS2016S Dallas2K x 8 3V/5V Operation Static RAM
DS1815-5 Dallas3.3V EconoReset with Push-Pull Output
DS1100U-175 Dallas5-tap economy timing element (delay line), 175ns
DS89C420-MCL DallasUltra-high-speed microcontroller 80C52 compatible, 33 MHz
DS232AR-N/T&R DallasDual RS-232 Transmitter/Receiver
DS1004Z-4/T&R Dallas5-Tap High-Speed Silicon Delay Line
DS1806-010 DallasDigital Sextet Potentiometer
DS1040Z-75 DallasProgrammable One-Shot Pulse Generator
DS5000T-8-8 DallasSoft microcontroller, 8-bit 8051 compatible, RAM=8K, 8MHz
DS1267E-010 DallasDual Digital Potentiometer Chip
DS5002FP-16 DallasSecure microprocessor chip, 8051-compatible, in-system programming, 16 MHz
DS1844-010 DallasQuad Digital Potentiometer
