المسار :okDatasheet > اشباه الموصلات datasheet > ADI Datasheet > ADI-45
7828LP AD1847JST ADR293ER-REEL DAC08CS ADP3401 AD820BR OP97FZ AD779TD AD7891YP-1 AD8079BR AD5583YRU-REEL7 AD7893AN-5 ADM8691ARU ADG438F ADV7128KR50 ADG701 ADMC300 AD9042AD AD9744AR ADDAC85C-CBI-I AD9849KST AD574AK ADSP-2164KP-40 AD558TD AD7846KN DAC8426ER AD7858LBR OP471GS
جزء لا | الصانع | التطبيق |
AD396SD | ADI | 0.3-17V; quad 14-bit compatible multiplying D/A converter |
ADG466BRS | ADI | 44V; 20-40mA; triple and octal channel protector for ATE equipment |
AD7828LP | ADI | 0-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS high speed, uP-compatible 8-bit ADC |
AD1847JST | ADI | Serial-port 16-Bit soundport stereo codec |
ADR293ER-REEL | ADI | 18V; low noise micropower precision voltage reference. For portable instrumnetation, precision reference for 5V systems, A/D and D/A converter reference |
DAC08CS | ADI | 8-bit, high-speed, multiplying D/A converter (universal digital logic interface) |
ADP3401 | ADI | GSM Power Management System for use with AD20msp425 |
AD820BR | ADI | 18V; 1.6mW; single supply, rail to rail low power FET-input Op Amp |
OP97FZ | ADI | 20V; 10mA; low-power, high-precision operational amplifier |
AD779TD | ADI | -0.3 to +18V; 14-bit 128kSPS complete sampling ADC |
AD7891YP-1 | ADI | 0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS 8-channel, 12-bit high speed, data acquisition system. For data acquisition systems, motor control, mobile communication base stations, instrumenatation |
AD8079BR | ADI | 12.6V; 0.9W; dual 260MHz gain= +2.0 & 2.2 buffer. For differential A-to-D driver, video line driver, differential line driver and professional cameras |
AD5583YRU-REEL7 | ADI | 0.3-16.5V; quad, parallel-input, voltage output, 12-/10-bit digital-to-analog converter |
AD7893AN-5 | ADI | 0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS 12-bit, serial 6 mS ADC |
ADM8691ARU | ADI | 0.3-6V; 400-600mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controlles, intelligent instruments, automotive systems |
ADG438F | ADI | High Performance 4/8 Channel Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexers |
ADV7128KR50 | ADI | +7V; CMOS 50MHz, 10-bit video DAC. For high resolution color graphics, CAE/CAD/CAM applications, image processing, instrumentation, video signal reconstruction |
ADG701 | ADI | 4 Ohm, Low Voltage, Wide Bandwidth Single SPST in 6-ld SOT-23, NC |
ADMC300 | ADI | DSP Based Motor Controller with 16-Bit Sigma-Delta ADC |
AD9042AD | ADI | 0-7V; 20mA; 12-bit, 41 MSPS monolithic A/D converter. For cellular/PCS base stations, GPS anti-jamming receivers |
AD9744AR | ADI | 0.3-3.9V; 14-bit, 165MSPS TxDAC D/A converter |
ADDAC85C-CBI-I | ADI | Complete low cost, linearity error +/- 1/2 LBS, binary input |
AD9849KST | ADI | 0.3-7V; CCD signal processor with integrated timing driver. For digital still cameras |
AD574AK | ADI | 0-16.5V; 825mW; complete 12-bit A/D converter |
ADSP-2164KP-40 | ADI | 16-Bit fixed-point DSP microprocessors with on-chip memory, data memory=0.5K, program memory=4K, 10.24 MHz, 3.3V |
AD558TD | ADI | DACPORT low cost, complete uP-compatible 8-bit DAC |
AD7846KN | ADI | 0.4-17V; 1000mW; LC2MOS complete 16-bit volatge output DAC |
DAC8426ER | ADI | 0.3-17.0V; quad 8-bit voltage out CMOS DAC complete with internal 10V reference. For process controls, multichannel microprocessor controlled system calibration, Op Amp offset and gain adjust, level and thershold setting |
AD7858LBR | ADI | 0.3-7V; 450mW; single supply, 200kSPS, 8-channel, 12-bit, sampling ADC. For battery-powered systems, pen computers and instrumentation |
OP471GS | ADI | 18V; 25mW; high-speed, low noise quad operational amplifier |